The Club at Aliana & The Westmoor Club Pools
Lifeguard positions are held by young adults attending college and high school, therefore pools do not open full-time in advance of the end of the school year. 
(*Dates may vary depending on FBISD calendar)
The key fobs are now required to access the amenities at The Club at Aliana. To receive assigned key fobs, please visit The Westmoor Club. A valid I.D. must be presented.
Guest Policy:
Each household is permitted up to 5 guests while visiting the facilities. Please note that guests must be accompanied by a registered Aliana resident at all times and are subject to all rules and regulations set forth by Aliana HOA and our pool company, Sweetwater Pools. 
Pool Schedules: 
closed Thursdays
closed Mondays 
  June & July 2024 - Full Time   
Monday - Wednesday- 1pm - 9pm
Thursday - Closed
Friday - Sunday - 10am - 9pm
*open July 4th for normal hours
June & July 2024 - Full Time
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - Thursday - 10am - 8pm
Friday - Sunday - 11am - 9pm
*open July 4th for normal hours
August  & September - 2024 - (Weekends Only)
Saturday 10am - 9pm
Sunday 10am - 8pm
*open Labor Day 10am - 9pm
August  & September - 2024 - (Weekends Only)
Saturday 11am - 9pm
Sunday 11am - 8pm
*open Labor Day 11am - 9pm
  (Westmoor Pool - Gate Attendant Only) 
*Swim at Your Own Risk*

Pool Parties
(No parties during operational hours permitted)
Residents in good standing with the HOA may reserve for parties during non-operation hours.
Reservations are handled through our pool company, Sweetwater Pools.  
For more information visit https://sweetwaterpoolsinc.com/pool-parties/ .              
2024 Swim Lessons
Swim lessons are conducted at The Club at Aliana and The Westmoor Club pool by Sugar Land Swim School. If you are interested in signing up, please contact Sugar Land Swim School directly for availability and pricing. While swim lessons are being conducted, the usage of the lap pool will be restricted to swim lesson students only. Please review the schedule below to know before you go! 
2024 Swim Lessons Pool Season Schedule
The Club at Aliana 
Thursdays, 5:00pm to 8:00pm 
The Westmoor Club
Mondays 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Saturdays 8:00am to 11:00am

Appropriate Swim Wear
Please ensure that you are wearing the appropriate swim wear when visiting both pools. Please understand the lifeguards have the authority to turn anyone away not wearing the appropriate attire. 
Inclement Weather Pool Closure Policy
For the safety of our residents and our lifeguards, Sweetwater Pools enforces the below policy: 
In the event of thunder and lightening, the pool will close for 30 minutes. Ex: the pool closes at 5:00pm due to thunder and/or lightening, the pool will not re-open until 5:30pm. If during that time at 5:15pm there is another thunder or lightening strike, the clock restarts and the pool will not re-open until 5:45pm. 
If it is raining and there is no thunder or lightening however the rain prevents the lifeguards from seeing the bottom of the pool, the pool will close.   
Lastly, the pool will close if there is a danger to lifeguards, either in transportation or remaining onsite.      

Pool Rules 
  1. Children under the age of 14 may not swim without an adult 18 or older. 
  2. Guests must be accompanied by Aliana resident. 
  3. Only appropriate swimwear allowed.
  4. No alcohol allowed at anytime. 
  5. No glass containers in pool area. 
  6. No animals allowed. 
  7. Abusive language, yelling, loud noise is not allowed. 
  8. All non-swimmers must be within arm's reach of a parent. 
  9. We conduct emergency testing with live victims and mannequins. 
  10. Aliana assumes no responsibility for any personal injury to anyone from pool or slide, loss or damage to personal property or items left in the pool area. 
  11. A ten (10) minute "safety break" will be called for ten minutes every hour, by the lifeguard. During this period, all swimmers must exit all bodies of water. 
  12. Flotation devices permitted at lifeguard's discretion.
  13. No running or horseplay.
  14. At The Club at Aliana Pool there is no climbing or jumping off the lazy river island.
  15. There is also no running or jumping off the wooden docks in front of the Adult Pool waterfall.
  16. The elevated pool area behind the waterfall is for Adults Only – 21 and Older.
  17. No smoking or vaping in the pool areas.
The Aliana pools are managed by Sweetwater Pools and the lifeguards are required by the HOA to enforce the rules and maintain the safety of these amenities for all the residents of our community. In performing this important safety responsibility, the lifeguards are authorized to take actions necessary to maintain safety and order, including using “time-outs” of 5 minutes (1st offense) to 10 minutes (2nd offense) and for repeat rule offenders the lifeguards are authorized to expel an individual from the pool for the remainder of the day. Please understand and teach your children that the lifeguards are the ultimate authority at the pool, and they should respect that authority. It is important that our residents have fun at the pool, but it is equally important that this be a safe experience. 
Thank you,
Aliana HOA Board